
The First Assignment

Written on 15.04.2021 12:31 by Mirko Palmer

Dear Students,

The first assignment is now online in the Materials section of the course CMS and is due next Friday, April 23 at 11:59 am CEST.

As stated in the Assignments section, you will solve twelve assignments throughout the semester.
Assignments are submitted in groups of two students.
We will only enforce this rule starting from the second assignment to give you time to find a group partner.
We encourage you to find a group partner early and already welcome group submissions for the first assignment.

Use the CMS for your submission and hand in one pdf with your solution per group.
Please clearly note your (and your group partners) name and Matrikel number on the top of your pdf.

As some of you already did, you can use the forum or our Discord server to find group members.
You can write a mail, as a last resort, to the mailing list ( if you can not find a group partner. 
We will gather those requests and assign you a partner.

The exam admission depends on getting at least 50 percent of the theoretically achievable points.
When achieving more than 60 percent (75 percent) of all points, a bonus of +0.3 (+0.7) will be applied to your final grade.
The exam must be passed without the grading bonus.

You can attend any tutorial session regardless of the session that your partner attends.
Submissions are not strictly mapped to tutors, i.e., your group's assignments will likely be graded by a different tutor every week.

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