

Written on 28.07.2023 12:22 by Zubair Sediqi

The purpose of this announcement is to help you prepare for the Data Networks
exam.  In principle, the exam covers all content discussed in the lectures and
the tutorials.  However, the focus will lie on tasks asking you to APPLY your
knowledge, i.e., there will be very few questions expecting free-text,
essay-like answers.  Be prepared to solve tasks by applying your knowledge to 
various scenarios, covering all network layers and their interactions.

Please adhere to the following rules:
- Do not write before the start of the exam and after the end of the exam 
- Do not use phones/calculators or other electronic devices such as watches with online capabilities
- Use black or blue pens only  
- Do not talk with others
- Do not exchange notes with others
- For the exam, one A4-sized sheet of notes is allowed, only yours to use. Write your first name, last name, matriculation number, and add your signature on BOTH sides of the A4 paper. 

For your information, you find the meta content of the exam below:

Good luck!

Texts to Read Carefully: Cover Sheet

- Check your personal data, write the date and place, and sign on the cover sheet.

Text Below the table and the Signature Field on the Cover Sheet

• Only one A4-sized sheet of notes is allowed as auxiliary material.
   Please put your name, your Matrikelnumber, on both sides and sign next to it.
• Do not write in red or green and do not use pencils.
• You have 150 minutes to complete the exam.
• If required, you can request additional paper in case the last empty page is not sufficient.
• Your exam will be graded anonymously. Thus, please provide the above given exam ID (XXX) on every additional piece of paper.
• Overall, you can achieve 100 points. 50 points are sufficient to pass the exam (grade: 4.0).
• Place your identification card and student ID card next to you on your table.
• This exam consists of (17) A4 pages, including the cover sheet.

Multiple Choice Introduction Text

The following questions are multiple choice questions. For each question: 
    • At least one option is True
    • At least one option is False
Mark all the true choices with a cross in the circle to the right. 
Correct a misplaced cross, by drawing a new circle to the right of the line. 
You can correct multiple times by repeating this process. We will only count the right-most circle.

To get points for a question, all options have to be correctly marked, and at least one option has to be marked as ’correct’.

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