Re-Exam Results & Re-Exam Viewing Times
Written on 23.10.2023 14:17 by Friedemann Lipphardt
The results of the re-exam are now visible on the teaching website.
We decided to set the passing scores at 40 points and the required points for grade 1.0 to 90 points.
Note, there are two grades available in CMS: one without the bonus but with subquestion info and one with the bonus of the midterm assignment. The grade uploaded to LSF will be the final grade including the bonus.
If you want to review your exam results you have the the chance for it (Klausureinsicht) at the following time:
- Friday, 03.11.23 from 10:00 until 12:00 in Room 024 at MPI-INF (E1.4)
Congrats to those that managed to improve their score and everyone that passed Data Networks. Remember that only the higher of the two exam grades will be relevant for your degree.
We hope to see you again in our other courses,
DN Team