
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Tutorial Session with Pascal Hennen Tutorial Room 107, Building E 1 3 11 25.04.23 25.04.23 No 
Lecture Lecture Room 002, Building E 1 3 1 21.04.23 21.04.23 No 
Tutorial Session with Florian Steurer Tutorial Room 107, Building E 1 3 10 21.04.23 21.04.23 No 
Tutorial Session with Qi Guo Tutorial Room 107, Building E 1 3 9 20.04.23 20.04.23 No 
Lecture Lecture Room 002, Building E 1 3 1 18.04.23 18.04.23 No 
Lecture Lecture Room 002, Building E 1 3 1 14.04.23 14.04.23 No 
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