
One week till Report Draft Deadline & Peer-Review Doodle available

Written on 29.12.2020 15:11 by Lars Prehn

Dear Students,

We hope that all of you found some time to recuperate during the holidays. Besides enjoying your quality time, we hope that you found cycles to work on your seminar reports. Since the deadline is in about a week (5th. January 2020, 23:59 CET), we enabled a submission tab called "Seminar Report Draft." Please notice that the submission format is a PDF---regardless of the template that you used.

We also enabled a "Doodle" for you to enter your preferred timeslots for the peer-review (the link can be found in the schedule on the main page). Please indicate _at least_ three timeslots at which you are available until the 5th. January 2020, 23:59 CET. If you miss the deadline, we expect you to be available at all timeslots.

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