
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Draft of the slide deck deadline Deadline 06.02.23 06.02.23 No 
Final presentations Doodle Deadline https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/boZ75OXa 03.02.23 03.02.23 No 
Course evaluation Deadline https://qualis.uni-saarland.de/eva/?l=140492&p=ID37CU 02.02.23 N/A Yes 
Lecture on how to give a technical presentation Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92067541323?pwd=bXNCUDBqQjRMWE1vOHVBNnZzUWh6QT09 31.01.23 31.01.23 No 
Final version seminar paper deadline Deadline 30.01.23 30.01.23 No 
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