Paper Preference and Seminar Kickoff Meeting
Written on 26.10.2021 13:37 by Said Jawad Saidi
Please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by the end of Friday, 5th November 2021, 23:59.
You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order)
as a comma-separated line accompanied only (i.e., don't add any formal header/greeting or footer/parting parts)
by your name in the subject of the email to
For example, the line "4, 10, 8, 27, 16" means that you prefer paper number 4 over paper number 10, and so on.
It also means that you prefer these five papers over all others.
To facilitate the decision process, we will host a kickoff meeting during which we will present short teasers for all papers.
The kickoff meeting will happen this Wednesday, 16:00 CEST.
The zoom link will is available in the table in the Schedule section.