
Final grades release

Written on 01.03.22 (last change on 01.03.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,
HTDN grades have been posted, and you can view your own grades through the university's HISPOS / LSF portal. We will not send a separate email for your grade.

Please submit Presented slides + opt-out option for grading email.

Written on 21.02.22 (last change on 21.02.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

First of all, thank you for a great seminar! 
We will be emailing you your final grades in the next few days. If you do not wish to receive your grade via email, please let us know in writing by 11:59 am (CET) on February 25:
If you decline to… Read more

Dear Students,

First of all, thank you for a great seminar! 
We will be emailing you your final grades in the next few days. If you do not wish to receive your grade via email, please let us know in writing by 11:59 am (CET) on February 25:
If you decline to have your grade emailed to you, you will be able to view your grade at a later date via the Examinations Office or the appropriate web interfaces.

Finally, please upload the final version of the slides you presented during the seminar via the "Presented Slides" tab before February 24, 23:59 (CET).

Information for the Block Seminar added

Written on 14.02.22 (last change on 14.02.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,

we have created a new page that contains information about the seminar process and your role as session chair. You can find it here:

1) You must activate your video camera during your presentation. In… Read more

Dear students,

we have created a new page that contains information about the seminar process and your role as session chair. You can find it here:

1) You must activate your video camera during your presentation. In addition, we strongly recommend that you activate your camera during all Q&A sessions to significantly improve interactivity and, in particular, to provide visual feedback to the current speaker.

2) Please remember that your activity (questions, comments, etc.) during the seminar will affect your grade. We expect each student to be virtually present throughout the seminar (on all days) unless they have received an exception from us.

3) During the lunch break of the first day, we will use 15 minutes (i.e. 12:25-12:40 CET) to check your student's IDs - please have them ready.


Block Seminar Dates

Written on 10.02.22 (last change on 10.02.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,
Based on your Doodle information, we have scheduled the block seminar for February 17 (9:30-17:30), 18 (09:30-16:00), and 21 (09:30-13:00). We expect each student to attend the entire seminar unless we make an exception. If you are unable to attend the entire seminar (e.g., due to… Read more

Dear Students,
Based on your Doodle information, we have scheduled the block seminar for February 17 (9:30-17:30), 18 (09:30-16:00), and 21 (09:30-13:00). We expect each student to attend the entire seminar unless we make an exception. If you are unable to attend the entire seminar (e.g., due to other exams), please email us at the following address by 23:59 (CET) on Friday, February 11, 2022, indicating the time and reason for your inability to attend.

Please doodle your availabilities for the Seminar Presentations

Written on 04.02.22 (last change on 04.02.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,
We opened a Doodle for you to enter your availabilities with regard to the seminar presentations. Please enter your information until Tuesday, 8th February, 23:55 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the main page's schedule):

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Dear Students,
We opened a Doodle for you to enter your availabilities with regard to the seminar presentations. Please enter your information until Tuesday, 8th February, 23:55 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the main page's schedule):

Please mark _for each date_ whether you have an exam conflict (no vote), whether it is your preferred date (as green), or whether you would make it if you'd have to (as yellow). Unless impossible due to conflicts, please mark at least three dates green. If you have more than two conflicts, please write an email to:

Please assume that the presentations will occupy the entire day.

Lecture recording available

Written on 21.01.22 (last change on 23.01.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,

We made the recording of the lecture available.

To ensure that only already registered students can access the recording, we put the url, the needed login, and the needed password into the "credentials_for_lecture" file within our materials section.

Course evaluation available

Written on 21.01.22 by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

As we announced yesterday, course evaluation is now available:


We will close the evaluation page on February 3. Your feedback will help us improve our current and future courses - something that will benefit not only… Read more

Dear Students,

As we announced yesterday, course evaluation is now available:


We will close the evaluation page on February 3. Your feedback will help us improve our current and future courses - something that will benefit not only you, but your fellow students as well.

Lecture on how to prepare a technical presentation on Thursday (20th of Jan) 16:00 CET

Written on 13.01.22 (last change on 13.01.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

As promised during the kickoff meeting, we provide a lecture on preparing seminar (and other technical) presentations. The lecture starts on Thursday (20th of Jan) at 16:00 CET.


You can join the lecture via this Zoom invite: 

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Dear Students,

As promised during the kickoff meeting, we provide a lecture on preparing seminar (and other technical) presentations. The lecture starts on Thursday (20th of Jan) at 16:00 CET.


You can join the lecture via this Zoom invite:

Passcode: 452735


We will record the lecture. The chat will not be visible within the recording; however, Zoom records the active (i.e., the person that speaks the loudest at a given point in time) speaker's camera (if enabled) and all audio. Whenever you unmute yourself/enable your camera, you implicitly allow us to record your audio/video. 

Only currently registered students and our team members can access the lecture recording (similar to the other uploaded resources). 

Peer-Review Process

Written on 07.01.22 (last change on 07.01.22) by Danesh Zeynali

The link to the peer-review-process page bug is fixed.

Dear Students,

Thank you for submitting your seminar paper drafts. 

We uploaded details on the next step, the peer-review process,
here: (the page is only accessible via… Read more

The link to the peer-review-process page bug is fixed.

Dear Students,

Thank you for submitting your seminar paper drafts. 

We uploaded details on the next step, the peer-review process,
here: (the page is only accessible via a CMS account)
On the page, you can find your group members, their drafts, and how the peer-review process works.

Actively participating in the peer review session and providing constructive feedback is part of your duties for this course.

Please make sure to submit your feedback via the "Peer-Review Feedback" submission tab before 17th Jan. 2022, 23:59.
Format your feedback for individual drafts as PDF and join/compress them afterward into a .zip or .gz archive.

After the submission deadline, we will forward you all the feedback related to your draft---likely on Monday, 18th Jan. 2022.
Please take the feedback part seriously; it might help you or your fellow students to improve your seminar report.

Students that did not submit their first draft  and would like to continue the course, are able to participate in the peer review. They must provide feedback to the other students.

Less than a week till Report Draft Deadline & Peer-Review Doodle available

Written on 31.12.21 by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

We hope that all of you found some time to recuperate during the holidays. Besides enjoying your quality time, we hope that you found cycles to work on your seminar reports. Since the deadline is in less than a week (5th. January 2022, 23:59 CET), we enabled a submission tab called… Read more

Dear Students,

We hope that all of you found some time to recuperate during the holidays. Besides enjoying your quality time, we hope that you found cycles to work on your seminar reports. Since the deadline is in less than a week (5th. January 2022, 23:59 CET), we enabled a submission tab called "Seminar Report Draft." Please notice that the submission format is a PDF---regardless of the template that you used.

We also enabled a "Doodle" for you to enter your preferred time slots for the peer-review (the link can be found in the schedule on the main page). Please indicate _at least_ three time slots at which you are available until the 5th. January 2022, 23:59 CET. If you miss the deadline, we expect you to be available at all time slots.

Report Templates Available

Written on 23.11.21 by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

We uploaded the Latex and Word template for the seminar reports. You can find them in the "Materials" section under "Report Templates."

Registration deadline

Written on 11.11.21 by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,
Now that we announced the mapping between papers and students, you have about three weeks to register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOS. The official deadline is December 1st, 2021.
In case of problems with the exam registration, please contact us via

Student-Paper mapping results available

Written on 10.11.21 by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

The results of our paper matching process are available here:

Contact information of the supervisors is available on the same page.
Now you can contact your supervisor and schedule your first meeting.… Read more

Dear Students,

The results of our paper matching process are available here:

Contact information of the supervisors is available on the same page.
Now you can contact your supervisor and schedule your first meeting. Please use this week to read through and understand your assigned paper. Prepare an outline for your meeting and make sure that you can explain your assigned paper to your supervisor (in detail, and it would be better if you could prepare a short presentation)
We will soon follow up with information on your next steps regarding the official course registration.

A short reminder about the papers preference list

Written on 05.11.21 by Danesh Zeynali

For those of you, who have not sent their list, today is the deadline to share your preferences for the seminar papers. Please follow the instruction on the first news of CMS page.

Paper Preference and Seminar Kickoff Meeting

Written on 26.10.21 (last change on 02.11.21) by Said Jawad Saidi

Please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by the end of Friday, 5th November 2021, 23:59.

You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order)
as a comma-separated line accompanied only (i.e., don't add any formal header/greeting or… Read more

Please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by the end of Friday, 5th November 2021, 23:59.

You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order)
as a comma-separated line accompanied only (i.e., don't add any formal header/greeting or footer/parting parts)
by your name in the subject of the email to

For example, the line "4, 10, 8, 27, 16" means that you prefer paper number 4 over paper number 10, and so on.
It also means that you prefer these five papers over all others.
To facilitate the decision process, we will host a kickoff meeting during which we will present short teasers for all papers.

The kickoff meeting will happen this Wednesday, 16:00 CEST.

The zoom link will is available in the table in the Schedule section.

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