
Please submit Presented slides

Written on 27.02.23 (last change on 27.02.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,

Thank you for a great seminar! If you have any comments about the seminar and how we can improve it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you're considering exploring our group's topics for your bachelor's or master's thesis, please contact us, We are always looking for… Read more

Dear students,

Thank you for a great seminar! If you have any comments about the seminar and how we can improve it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you're considering exploring our group's topics for your bachelor's or master's thesis, please contact us, We are always looking for motivated students.

As a last deadline, upload the final version of the slides you presented during the seminar via the "Presented Slides" by March 1 (23:59). For this submission, we expect only your slides in PDF format without any notes.

IMPORTANT: Final slides submission page reopened

Written on 21.02.23 (last change on 21.02.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students, 
We will be using a shared laptop for all seminar presentations, so you will not be able to connect your laptop to the projector. To make it easier for you to access your slide notes, we have opened the submission page until tomorrow morning (22.02.2023 08:00am CEST). Now you can… Read more

Dear students, 
We will be using a shared laptop for all seminar presentations, so you will not be able to connect your laptop to the projector. To make it easier for you to access your slide notes, we have opened the submission page until tomorrow morning (22.02.2023 08:00am CEST). Now you can submit your final slides in pdf or pptx format. We will download all slides to our laptop, and you can use the presenter view on the laptop. If you do not submit anything, we will consider your final submitted slides.

Change in Seminar Schedule

Written on 13.02.23 (last change on 13.02.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,
We have made a few adjustments to the schedule for the seminar. The updated schedule is accessible through the block seminar page.
If you have any exam conflicts with the new schedule, please let us know by tomorrow, if you have not done so yet.
We apologize for the inconvenience and… Read more

Dear students,
We have made a few adjustments to the schedule for the seminar. The updated schedule is accessible through the block seminar page.
If you have any exam conflicts with the new schedule, please let us know by tomorrow, if you have not done so yet.
We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing you at the seminar.

Block Seminar Dates

Written on 07.02.23 (last change on 07.02.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,

we have created a new page that contains information about the seminar process and your role as session chair. You can find it here:

Please remember that your activity (questions, comments, etc.) during… Read more

Dear students,

we have created a new page that contains information about the seminar process and your role as session chair. You can find it here:

Please remember that your activity (questions, comments, etc.) during the seminar will influence your grade. We expect each student to be present throughout the seminar (on all days) unless they have received an exemption from us.

Lecture recording available

Written on 02.02.23 (last change on 02.02.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,

We made the recording of the lecture available.

To ensure that only already registered students can access the recording, we put the URL, the needed login, and the needed password into the "credentials_for_lecture" file within our materials section.

Your availabilities for the Seminar Presentations (Doodle)

Written on 30.01.23 (last change on 30.01.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,
We have opened a Doodle where you can enter your availabilities for the seminar presentations. Please enter your information by Friday, February 3, 23:55 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the schedule on the main page):

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Dear students,
We have opened a Doodle where you can enter your availabilities for the seminar presentations. Please enter your information by Friday, February 3, 23:55 CET. You can find a link here (as well as in the schedule on the main page):

Please check _for each date_ if you have an exam conflict (no vote), if it is your preferred date (as green), or if you could make it if you had to (as yellow). Unless conflicts make it impossible, please mark at least two consecutive dates in green. If you have two or three scheduling conflicts, please email:

If you miss the deadline, we expect you to be available for all dates. Please assume that the presentations will take up the entire day, and we expect each student to attend the entire seminar.

Lecture on how to prepare a technical presentation on Tuesday (Jan. 31) 14:00 CET

Written on 27.01.23 (last change on 27.01.23) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

As promised at the kick-off event, we are offering a lecture on preparing seminar (and other technical) presentations. The lecture will start on Tuesday (Jan 31) at 14:00 CET.

You can attend the lecture via this Zoom invitation: 
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Dear Students,

As promised at the kick-off event, we are offering a lecture on preparing seminar (and other technical) presentations. The lecture will start on Tuesday (Jan 31) at 14:00 CET.

You can attend the lecture via this Zoom invitation:

Session ID: 920 6754 1323
Passcode: 477837


We will be recording the lecture. The chat will not be visible in the recording. However, Zoom will record the camera of the active speaker (i.e., the person speaking loudest at a given time) and any audio (if enabled). When you unmute or activate your camera, you implicitly allow us to record your audio/video. 

Only currently registered students and our team members can access the lecture recording (similar to the other uploaded resources). 

Peer-review feedback reminder & course evaluation announcement

Written on 22.01.23 by Friedemann Lipphardt

Dear Students,

Please remember to hand in your peer-review feedback on the website, you have until 23.01.23 23:59 to do so.

Furthermore, course evaluation is now available on the following link:


We will close the evaluation page… Read more

Dear Students,

Please remember to hand in your peer-review feedback on the website, you have until 23.01.23 23:59 to do so.

Furthermore, course evaluation is now available on the following link:


We will close the evaluation page on February 2nd. Your feedback will help us improve our current and future courses - something that will benefit not only you, but your fellow students as well.



Peer-Review Sessions Scheduled

Written on 10.01.23 by Friedemann Lipphardt

Dear Students,

Thank you for submitting your seminar paper drafts. 

We uploaded details on the next step, the peer-review process,
here: (the page is only accessible via a CMS account)
On the page, you can find your group… Read more

Dear Students,

Thank you for submitting your seminar paper drafts. 

We uploaded details on the next step, the peer-review process,
here: (the page is only accessible via a CMS account)
On the page, you can find your group members, their drafts, and how the peer-review process works.

Actively participating in the peer review session and providing constructive feedback is part of your duties for this course.

Please make sure to submit your feedback via the "Peer-Review Feedback" submission tab before 23rd Jan. 2023, 23:59.
Format your feedback for individual drafts as PDF and join/compress them afterward into a .zip or .gz archive.

After the submission deadline, we will forward you all the feedback related to your draft within a few days.
Please take the feedback part seriously; it might help you or your fellow students to improve your seminar report.

Students that did not submit their first draft  and would like to continue the course, are able to participate in the peer review. They must provide feedback to the other students.

Seminar Report Draft Submission & Peer-Review Doodle Reminder

Written on 03.01.23 by Friedemann Lipphardt

Dear Students,

The submission for your seminar report draft is now open. You can find it in the teaching system under submissions. The deadline for this is 09.01.2023 23:59 and we only accept submissions in PDF format.


Additionally, if you have not already done so, please remember to fill… Read more

Dear Students,

The submission for your seminar report draft is now open. You can find it in the teaching system under submissions. The deadline for this is 09.01.2023 23:59 and we only accept submissions in PDF format.


Additionally, if you have not already done so, please remember to fill in the peer-review meeting doodle with at least three options from last weeks email, you can also find the link on the homepage. The deadline to do so is tomorrow, Wednesday, at 23:59. If you do not fill in any options before the deadline we will consider you to be available for all of them.


The HTDN team

Peer-Review Availability Doodle now open

Written on 29.12.22 (last change on 29.12.22) by Friedemann Lipphardt

Dear Students,

We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing holidays and are making good progress on your seminar report drafts. To schedule the peer-review, we have enabled a "Doodle" for you to enter your preferred time slots for the peer-review (Link). You can also find the link on the homepage. Please… Read more

Dear Students,

We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing holidays and are making good progress on your seminar report drafts. To schedule the peer-review, we have enabled a "Doodle" for you to enter your preferred time slots for the peer-review (Link). You can also find the link on the homepage. Please indicate _at leastthree time slots at which you are available until the 4th. January 2023, 23:59 CET. If you miss the deadline, we expect you to be available at all time slots. You can also find a page with more information on the peer-review process in the teaching system (here). The pairings for the peer-review will be announced on that page (and in a seperate announcement), and the sessions themselves will be held online via Zoom.

Please also be aware that the deadline for the seminar report drafts is on January 9th (you will receive a seperate reminder and submission information on that next week).

LSF/HISPOS Registration deadline reminder

Written on 29.11.22 (last change on 29.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,
A quick reminder: the official deadline for registration via LSF/HISPOS is Friday, December 2, 2022. 
If you have any problems with the exam registration, please contact us via

Report Templates Available

Written on 21.11.22 (last change on 21.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,

We uploaded the Latex and Word template for the seminar reports. You can find them in the "Materials" page under "Report Templates."
Please note that we have a common template for the peer review and final report, and you will need to adjust the font according to the kick-off… Read more

Dear Students,

We uploaded the Latex and Word template for the seminar reports. You can find them in the "Materials" page under "Report Templates."
Please note that we have a common template for the peer review and final report, and you will need to adjust the font according to the kick-off meeting slide. (Peer review 10pt, Final report 9pt)

IMPORTANT: LSF/HISPOS Registration deadline

Written on 11.11.22 (last change on 11.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear Students,
Now that we announced the mapping between papers and students, you have three weeks to register for the seminar via LSF/HISPOSThe official deadline is December 2, 2022. 
In case of problems with the exam registration, please contact us via

Student-Paper mapping results available

Written on 10.11.22 (last change on 11.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali

Dear students,

We were able to publish the assignment of papers to students earlier than planned. This will give you more time to work on your report. The results of our paper mapping are available here (Students-to-paper mapping under Information menu):

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Dear students,

We were able to publish the assignment of papers to students earlier than planned. This will give you more time to work on your report. The results of our paper mapping are available here (Students-to-paper mapping under Information menu):
On the same page you will also find the contact information of the supervisors.
Now you can contact your supervisor and set up an initial meeting. Please use this week to read through and understand the paper assigned to you. Prepare an outline for the meeting and make sure you can explain the paper assigned to you to your supervisor (in detail, and it would be better if you could prepare a short presentation).

We will send you information about the next steps for official course registration shortly.

Paper preferences reminder

Written on 09.11.22 (last change on 09.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali

A reminder of today's deadline. Please send your paper requests by 23:59 if you have not already done so. Follow the instructions in the previous news.
Always check the schedule on the main page and the timetable for upcoming deadlines.

Paper Preference Deadline

Written on 04.11.22 (last change on 04.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali

As we discussed in the kick-off meeting, please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by the end of Wednesday, 9th November 2022, 23:59.

You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order)
as a comma-separated line accompanied only (i.e., don't… Read more

As we discussed in the kick-off meeting, please provide us with your preferences for the seminar papers by the end of Wednesday, 9th November 2022, 23:59.

You can do so by writing the numbers of your five favorite papers (in descending order)
as a comma-separated line accompanied only (i.e., don't add any formal header/greeting or footer/parting parts)
by your name in the subject of the email to

For example, the line "4, 10, 8, 27, 16" means that you prefer paper number 4 over paper number 10, and so on.
It also means that you prefer these five papers over all others.

You can view the list of papers on the Papers page under the Information menu.

Kick-off meeting slides are available in the materials page.


In-person kick-off meeting

Written on 25.10.22 (last change on 02.11.22) by Danesh Zeynali


Hi all,

We will hold an in-person kick-off meeting on Friday, November 4 at 16:00 CEST in Lecture Room 1 (0.01.1) in Building E1.3. At this meeting, we will introduce the HTDN seminar and the papers that will be supervised during the course.

In the meantime, you can view the list of papers… Read more


Hi all,

We will hold an in-person kick-off meeting on Friday, November 4 at 16:00 CEST in Lecture Room 1 (0.01.1) in Building E1.3. At this meeting, we will introduce the HTDN seminar and the papers that will be supervised during the course.

In the meantime, you can view the list of papers on the Papers page under the Information menu.


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