Data Networks Summer 2024

Video Overview

Below you will find a list of the currently available videos. The preview is a link to the online player, where you can download the videos and corresponding slides.
All videos are always provided in two different formats, mp4 and webm, and can be downloaded from this page as well, as the player page requires Java Script.

This page should allow you to quickly get an overview and lookup specific topics. Currently the total playing time of the videos availablel here is 27:53:00.

If you have any questions, problems accessing the videos or suggestions for improvements, don't hesitate to contact us.

In any case, this is work in progress - we are happy to provide this service and hope it will be helpful.

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Lecture 0

Lecture 0


Course Information

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Organization, Tutorials, Tutors, Exam, Contact, Intro

This video gives an overview on the course organisation, tutorials, homework assignments, schedule, online tutorials and so on.

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Lecture 1

Lecture 1

Introduction - Part1

Internet, Protocols

Video 1 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Goals, Terminology, Protocols, Nuts and bolts, ISPs, RFC, IETF,

This video is part of the first lecture with technical content. We will take a first look on what the Internet is and what role protocols play.

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Lecture 1

Introduction - Part2

Network Edge

Video 2 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Edge, Network,

This video is part of the first lecture with technical content. In this video we will look at the Network edge and try to give you a feeling for the terminology. We will have more in-depth views later in the course.

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Lecture 1

Introduction - Part3

The Network Core

Video 3 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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The Core, Network Core, Routing, Forwarding, Queueing, Store-and-forward

This video is part of the first lecture with technical content. We will look at the network core, why the Internet mostly uses packet switching and learn what role a Tier 1 provider plays.

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Lecture 2

Lecture 2

Introduction - Part4

Delay, loss, and throughput

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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delay, loss, throughput, performance

This video is part of the first lecture with technical content. In this part we will take a closer look at Performance, namely: Delay, loss, and throughput.

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Lecture 2

Introduction - Part5

Layers, History, Security

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Service models, Security, History

This video is the last part of the first lecture with technical content. We wil talk about protocol layers, service models, Security and the history of the Internet

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Lecture 3

Lecture 3

Application Layer - Part1

Client-Server, Peer2Peer

Video 1 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Application Layer - Part1

Layers, Application Layer, Client-Server, Peer-to-Peer

This video is the first of two parts on the Application Layer. We will take a look at different Methods of Communication, e.g., Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer, and talk about how processed fit into that scheme.

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Lecture 3

Application Layer - Part2

Sockets, Layers, Protocols

Video 2 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Application Layer, Sockets, adressing sockets, transport protocols

This video is the second of two parts on the Application Layer. We will talk about sockets, adressing themn, protocols, Internet transport protocols and transport service requirements of applications.

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Lecture 3

Application Layer: HTTP Part 1

HTTP Basics

Video 3 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Application Layer, protocols, HTTP, protocols by example, HTTP messages, HTTP Request, HTTP Response

This video is part of the lecture series on the Application Layer. It is the first of two videos on HTTP, the HyperTextTransferProtocol, within that series. We will look at the basic modes of operation of HTTP and also show some examples of using a telnet client to send HTTP requests.

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Lecture 3

Application Layer: HTTP Part 2

HTTP Caching and Cookies

Video 4 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Application Layer: HTTP Part 2

Layers, Application Layer, protocols, HTTP, protocols by example

This video is part of the lecture series on the Application Layer. It is the second of two videos on HTTP within that series. It covers some of the 'advanced' features of HTTP, including how this stateless protocol can be used to handle state using cookies and how the most simple form of authentication works.

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Lecture 4

Lecture 4

Application Layer: DNS

The Domain Name System

Oliver Gasser

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Layers, Application Layer, protocols, DNS, protocols by example, adresses, PTR, NS, MX, nameserver, dig

This video is part of the lecture series on the Application Layer. We will talk about the largest distributed Database of the world, the DNS, often called the phone book of the Internet.

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Lecture 5

Lecture 5

Application Layer: CDNs

Content Delivery Networks

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Application Layer: CDNs

Layers, Application Layer, protocols, DNS, CDN, Content Delivery, Content Distribution, Overlay Networks, Content, Application Mix

In this video we will discuss Content Delivery Networks. Large Networks specialized on providing Content, like Videos, Operating System updates, etc, to a large number of users. We will also talk on what we mean, when talking about content.

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Lecture 5

Application Layer: Email

A look at SMTP, IMAP, POP3

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Layers, Application Layer, protocols, Network Programming, Network Protocols, Email, e-mail, SMTP, IMAP, POP, POP3, mail, MUA, Mail User Agent, MTA, Mail Transfer Agent, MDA, Mail Delivery Agent

E-mail is one of the oldest applications on the internet. But it's not just one protocol, it's several! We will take a dive into SMTP, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, and talk about message access protocols like IMAP, the Internet Message Access Protocol, and POP3, the Post Office Protocol.

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Lecture 6

Lecture 6

Application Layer: Socket programming

Network Application Basics

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Application Layer, protocols, Network Programming, Sockets, UDP, TCP, accept(), bind(), listen(), client, server, Network Protocols

The basic building block of each and every network application, be it a ticketing system of a large airline or s simple chat server are network sockets. We will take a look on how you as a programmer use them and what abstractions are in place. You will get a first impression on what is needed to write a network application. This lecture is still part of the Application Layer.

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Lecture 7

Lecture 7

Transport Layer

Intro and UDP

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Transport Layer, UDP, User Datagram, Multiplexing, Ports, Sockets, Segments, PDU

In this lecture we will take a look at the Transport Layer and UDP. We will revisit Sockets, Ports and dive right into UDP.

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Lecture 7

Transport Layer: TCP - Part 1

TCP Part 1 of 3

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Transport Layer, TCP, Sequence Numbers, Segments, Header, RFC 793, RFC 1122, RFC 1323, RFC 2018, RFC 2581,

In this video we will take a first look at TCP, it's header structure and Sequence Numbers.

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Lecture 8

Lecture 8

Transport Layer: TCP - Part 2

TCP Part 2 of 3

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Transport Layer, RTT, Retransmission, Timouts, State Machine, TCP, Sequence Numbers, ACK generator, Retransmits

This is the second of three videos on TCP. We will cover some of the basic mechanisms that TCP implements to offer reliable data transfer and take a peek under the hood of some state machine in TCP.

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Lecture 8

Transport Layer: TCP - Part 3

TCP Part 3 of 3

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Transport Layer, TCP, window size, state machine, 3-way Handshake, connection management, flow control

This is the third and last video of the series on TCP. We will look into the finite state machine of the protocol, window sizes, connection management and flow control, as well as connection management.

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Lecture 9

Lecture 9

Transport Layer: Congestion Control

Congestion, Part 1 of 2

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Transport Layer: Congestion Control

Layers, Transport Layer, Congestion, Congestion Control, Convergence, Congestion Avoidance, Control Model

This is the first of two videos on Congestion. We will take a deep dive into Congestion Control and Avoidance, different Control Models and look at the theory of operations.

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Lecture 9

Transport Layer: Congestion Control

Congestion, Part 2 of 2

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Transport Layer: Congestion Control

Layers, Transport Layer, Congestion, Congestion Control, Fairness, AIMD, Slow start

This is the second of two videos on Congestion. In this part we will focus on TCP Congestion Control and look at some simulations.

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Lecture 10

Lecture 10

Transport Layer: TCP Variants

There are many TCPs

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Layers, Transport Layer, TCP, Variants, Variants, Protocols, Congestion Control, Congestion Avoidance, Congestion Collapse, BBR, Reno, CUBIC, BBR, NDP, Vegas, BIC, Tahoe

We talked a lot about TCP as one of the major transport protocols in the Internet. Suprisingly there is not just one variant of TCP used on the Internet but there exist dozens of slightly modified versions. We will take a closer look at some of the differences in the protocol definitions and how this changes its behavior.

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Lecture 11

Lecture 11

Network Layer: Addressing

IP-Addressing and more

Dr. Oliver Gasser

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Layers, Network Layer, Addressing, IPv4, IPv6, Multicast, CIDR, NAT, Longest Prefix Match, Subnetting

This Video will start with a short part on the Network Layer and quickly focus on Addressing. What are IP-Addresses, what are the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 concerning addresses. What is Multicast and what are reserved addresses. We will take a look at the differences between Routing and Forwarding and discuss longest prefix matching.

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Lecture 12

Lecture 12

Network Layer: Routing Algorithms

Link State and Distance Vector

Dr. Oliver Gasser

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, Dijstra, Algorithms, Distance Vector, DV, Link-state, LS, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Routing, Costs,

In this video we will discuss two well known routing algorithms: Dijkstra' Algorithm and Bellman-Ford. We will introduce a classification of Routing Algorithms and compare Distance Vector and Link-state Routing.

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Lecture 13

Lecture 13

Network Layer: Routing (1)

Routing and RIP

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, Historic Protocols, RIP, Algorithms, Inter-AS, Intra-AS, count-to-infinity

In this video we will take a closer look at routing. We will discuss the RIP protocol, which should not be used any more, but can still teach us a lot of valuable lessons.

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Lecture 13

Network Layer: Routing (2)

OSPF - Part 1

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, OSPF, Algorithms, IGP, Intra-AS routing, Link state protocol, Dijkstra, LSA, Multicast, Flooding

This is the first of two videos on OSPF, a commonly used routing protocol inside of an AS. We will discuss the protocol phases and look at some examples.

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Lecture 14

Lecture 14

Network Layer: Routing (3)

OSPF - Part 2

Video 1 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, OSPF, Algorithms, IGP, Intra-AS routing, Link state protocol, Dijkstra, LSA, Multicast, Flooding

This is the second of two videos on the inner workings of OSPF, a commonly used routing protocol inside of an AS.

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Lecture 14

BGP Part 1

Routing: BGP

Video 2 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, BGP, Algorithms, EGP, Inter-AS routing, Policies, BGP Basics, BGP-4, Stub AS, BGP messages

This is the first of four videos on BGP. We will discuss the Basics of BGP, the Border Gateway Protocol, see what routing policies are, why they are important and take a first look at network architectures.

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Lecture 14

BGP Part 2

Overview continued

Video 3 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, BGP, Algorithms, EGP, Inter-AS routing, path-vector, OSPF, attributes, local pref, Local preference, route processing, route selection, AS Path, AS-Path

This video will continue the introduction to BGP with more details on the inner workings of the protocol. We will take a look at attributes and how routing decisions are being made.

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Lecture 15

Lecture 15

BGP Part 3

Routing Policies

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, BGP, Algorithms, EGP, Inter-AS routing, MED, Multi-homing, Local Preference, Hot Potato Routing, path-vector

In this video we will take a closer look at policies and why they are so important for routing in the Internet. We will take a look how policies are implemented using BGP.

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Lecture 15

BGP Part 4

Advanced Topics

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Layers, Network Layer, Routing, BGP, Algorithms, EGP, Inter-AS routing, Intra--AS routing, iBGP, eBGP, e-bgp, i-bgp, BAD GADGET, Confederations, reflectors, routing instability

In this video we will talk about some of teh advanced features of BGP. We will discuss internal and external BGP (iBGP, eBGP), Route reflectors, confederations and sources for routing instability.

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Lecture 16

Lecture 16


A short insert

Video 1 of 3 for this lecture.

Dr. Oliver Gasser

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BGP, Anycast, Routing

This video is a short spotlight on Anycast, as addition to our lectures on Layer three and routing

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Lecture 16

Router Architecture

What is a router?

Video 2 of 3 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Router Architecture

Routing, Architecture, Router, Hardware, Ports, queueing, fabric, buffering, core, edge, RIB

This lecture aims at giving an overview on what a router ist, how it works and how the architecture with regards to the hardware looks.

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Lecture 16

Link Layer (1)

Part 1

Video 3 of 3 for this lecture.

Dr. Oliver Gasser

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Link Layer, Collisions, ALOHA, TDMA, FDMA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Token Ring, CRC, Parity

This lecture is the first of two on the link layer. This is the lowest layer we discuss and we will take a look at how access to the communication media is handled and what strategies exist to enable cooperation.

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Lecture 17

Lecture 17

Link Layer (2)

Part 2

Dr. Oliver Gasser

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Link Layer, Ethernet, Switch, Router, Bridge, 802.3, LAN, Hub, Neighbor discovery, ARP

This is the second part on the Link Layer. We will discuss the differences between Hub, Switch, Bridge, and Router, how they evolved, how ARP and neighbor discovery works and close with a comparison between Hub/Switch/Router.

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Lecture 18

Lecture 18

Putting it all together

'Live' Demo

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Topology, tcpdump, DNS, HTTP, TCP, Overview, Adresses, Layers, Internet, UDP, Packets, across mutilple layers

This video is an unscripted recording of a live session that demonstrates how all protocols work together. We show all steps neccessary to perform an HTTP request, across multiple layers.

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Lecture 19

Lecture 19


Sound and Video

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Multimedia, Streaming, Video, Audio, HTTP, UDP

The first video of our lecture on Multimedia wants to introduce you to the various challenges we face, when we want to deliver multimedia content over the Internet. For this we will dicuss the basics of Audio and Video transmission and the different types of playout, like live-streaming or on-demand delivery.

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Lecture 19

Voice over IP

Realtime Conversations

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Voice, Video, VoIP, protocols, playout delay, jitter, recovery

This video is on Voice over IP (VoIP) and takes a look at the protocols that allow us realtime conversation and video calls over the Internet. We will also briefly touch on the (former) architecture of Skype, as one of the first commercial VoIP platforms.

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Lecture 20

Lecture 20

Datacenter - Part 1

The physical cloud

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Topology, Networks, Top of Rack, TOR, Fat tree, Pods, Datacenters, cloud

In this video we will talk about Datacenters and try to give an overview about the network topolgy used in these networks.

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Lecture 20

Datacenter - Part 2

Characteristics and Challenges

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Topology, Networks, Top of Rack, TOR, Fat tree, Pods, Datacenters, Characteristics, Challenges, Layer 2, Layer 3, TCP, Buffers, Configuration, Management

In this video we will discuss some high level characteristics and challenges inherent in designing and running datacenters.

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Lecture 21

Lecture 21

Software-defined Networking (SDN)

Part I

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Savvas Zannettou, PhD

Preview of video Software-defined Networking (SDN)

SDN, control plane, data plane, management plane,

This video introduces the software defined networking paradigm

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Lecture 21

Software-defined Networking (SDN)

Part II

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Savvas Zannettou, PhD

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control and data plane separation, controller, openflow, fault tolerance, challenges,

This video introduces the software defined networking paradigm

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Lecture 22

Lecture 22


Programmable Switches

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors, P4

In this video we will look at P4, a domain specific language and concept that takes SDN a step further. Not there is no separate controller but the hardware itself is programmable.

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Lecture 23

Lecture 23


Signaling is everywhere

Video 1 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Signaling, State, SIP, IMS, Multicast, IGMP, State machine

This video is the first in a series on signaling and state. Here we will first talk about signaling and give some examples for signaling in our context. You will see, signaling and state is everywhere and plays a very important role in almost all applications and protocols.

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Lecture 23

State - Part 1

Hard or Softstate?

Video 2 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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HTTP, FTP, State, Hard-state, Soft-state, Signaling, inband

In this video we will focus on State and the difference between Hard- and Soft-state. We will take a look at state in HTTP and FTP and discuss the different aspects of hard- vs. softstate.

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Lecture 23

State - Part 2

Model and Evaluation

Video 3 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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State, Soft-state, lifetime, timer, evaluation, modeling

This video takes a short look at design principles, models and (performance) evaluation of soft-state.

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Lecture 23


Resource Reservation

Video 4 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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RSVP, state, protocol design, signaling, reservation, resources

This video is on RSVP, the Resource Reservation Protocol - not the closing "répondez s'il vous plaît" in invitations. We will not discuss RSVP in detail, as it is rather complex, but focus on some parts that are well suited to explain important aspects of signaling.

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Lecture 24

Lecture 24

Internet of Things (IoT)

Part I - Introduction

Video 1 of 3 for this lecture.

Florian Streibelt

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IoT, ESP8266, Arduino, Atmel, Mechatronics, Evolution, Background, ARM, Microcontrollers, Car ignition, Washing Machine

This is the first of three videos on the Internet of Things (IoT). This part is th Introduction, giving some background on the Development and looking at some Hardware used in Iot.

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Lecture 24

Internet of Things (IoT)

Part 2 - Communication

Video 2 of 3 for this lecture.

Florian Streibelt

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IoT, Industrial IoT, Industry IoT, Cloud, Cloud-computing, Healthcare, Energy, Smart Home, MQTT, protocol, TCP, Building Automation, Smart Home, Security, Confidentiality, Availability, Privacy

This is the second of three videos on the Internet of Things where we talk about Communication.

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Lecture 24

Internet of Things (IoT)

Part 3 - The downsides of IoT

Video 3 of 3 for this lecture.

Florian Streibelt

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IoT, E-Waste, Recycling, Economies of scale, Bugs, Failure, Pets, Mirai

This is the third and last video on IoT, the 'Internet of Things' where we will look at some of the controversial and negative aspects of IoT.

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Lecture 25

Lecture 25

Networking at scale

Internet, Protocols

Video 1 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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large scale, design for scale, routing, autonomous systems, classful routing, IP CIDR, Fault tolerance, Metcalfe's law,

This video is on how to design a system on the internet that envolves a large number of interconnected entites

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Lecture 25


Internet, Protocols

Video 2 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

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Indirection, Multicast, Mobility, Indirect Routing, Mobile IP

This video explains indirection, or how to reference entities indirectly. We will explain multicast and mobility, and answer thee question of: how to contact a friend that is on the go. We will leearn about mobility vocabulary, routing and specifically mobile IP.

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Lecture 25


Internet, Protocols

Video 3 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Virtualization

Virtualization, Cerf and Khan, Internet Routing, Overlay Networks, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Tunneling, VLANs

in this video we will talk about the history of virtualization, explain old and new overlay networks, what VPNs and tunneling means and what VlANs are.

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Lecture 25

Internet: The Big Picture

Past, Presence and Future

Video 4 of 4 for this lecture.

Prof. Anja Feldmann, PhD

Preview of video Internet: The Big Picture

Internet, Future, Overview, Big Picture, IP, World Domination, KISS, Internet Architecture, Firewalls

This video takes a look at the Internet design as a whole. How did it all start, what have been the ideas and why does it still works (most of the time).

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Lecture 26

Lecture 26

Quality of Service (QoS)

Priorities, priorities...

Video 1 of 3 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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QoS, Quality of service, ToS, service classes, differentiated services, VoIP

This video covers some aspects of traffic priorization. What are some challenges when different applications share the available bandwidth. For example, how can the network help ensure that applications that require low rtt, typically voice and real-time video applications, remain usable while starting a download in the background.

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Lecture 26

Real-Time "Conversational" Applications


Video 2 of 3 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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UDP, RTP, RTCP, SIP, Telephony, VoIP

This video is related to the lecture series on multimedia protocols. We will look at the various protocols used to enable real-time "conversational" applications, for example video telephony, and look at the protocol design and the interplay between the different procols involved.

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Lecture 26


Quick UDP Internet Connections

Video 3 of 3 for this lecture.

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, PhD

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Head of Line blocking, HTTP, UDP, QUIC, protocol design

In this video we again focus on a protocol, that is implemented on top of UDP. We will explore some of the reasons why HTTP via TCP was considered unsuitable and look into the protocol design of QUIC - Qick UDP Internet Connections.

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Lecture 27

Lecture 27

Internet Organisation(s)

How the Internet is run

Franziska Lichtblau and Florian Streibelt

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Internet Governance, RIR, LIR, RIPE, DNS, NIC, DENIC, IETF, Policies, RFCs, ISOC, ICANN, Internet Freedom, Cyber, IDN, Resources

In this video we will talk about the inofficial 'layer 8' - the humans running and defining what the Internet is. Who is creating Internet standards, how are RFCs written, how it's decided what protocols are 'officially' used on the Internet. This video tries to give an overview on the non-technical part of Internet Operations.

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Lecture 27

Online Social Networks (OSN)

Part I

Video 1 of 2 for this lecture.

Savvas Zannettou, PhD

Preview of video Online Social Networks (OSN)

Online Social Networks, data collection, graph analysis, clustering, timeseries analysis,

This course introduces Online Social Networks (OSN). It covers data collection, and the diffrent techniques used for data analysis

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Lecture 27

Online Social Networks (OSN)

Part II

Video 2 of 2 for this lecture.

Savvas Zannettou, PhD

Preview of video Online Social Networks (OSN)

Online Social Networks, memes, twitter, Reddit, $chan, Gab, perceptual hashing, crawl, know Your Meme (KYM), trolls,

This course introduces the study of memes in Online Social Networks (OSNs). It answers the questions: why? how? who? and where?

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This file was last updated 2024-07-18 11:29:07 UTC